The Meaning of Life

As my foot lifts over fallen leaves, moss and lichen, the river's magnetising presence brings the winged creatures, the fish and the scurrying ones I hear but do not see. We're all moving through this forest, through this life, together. I am a daughter of the Earth. Here, with all my siblings. Who could be lonely? ​​​​​​​​
The trees welcome me here, in this slow place where grandfather time rests so grandmother space can embrace me. I carry on walking, kissing my mother with every step. A soft affection becomes apparent. She loves us all, loves for us to arrive with her, home. Here. Now. She receives me.​​​​​​​​
The feminine, the holding, life is her container. All so amplified when we slow down and notice. ​​​​​​​​
The bounty of offerings wait for us to at last receive them. If only we could pause to find that the life we were so busy striving for, was always here, arriving. ​​​​​​​​
Each step, a kiss. Each moment, a gift - a perpetual invitation to simply be here. ​​​​​​​​

Brighitta Moser-Clark

Brighitta is a Reiki Master, Sound Journey Facilitator, Intuitive Guide, and Writer. Her offerings weave energy therapies with spiritual guidance to awaken the inner light while provoking a deepened relationship to the Universe. Applying a grounded approach, she marries her love of ancient Zen philosophy with modern-day magic in her offerings of 1:1 healing sessions, sound baths, intuitive workshops, as well as Reiki Certification Courses in London. Having trained in both the traditional Japanese + Western Usui lineages, Reiki has been her fundamental teacher for more than fifteen years. Her workshops focus on growing community while providing a nurturing environment to explore the wisdom of the soul space. With her activating transmissions, Brighitta bridges the physical world to the spiritual as a portal home to our true selves.

Come to your Senses


The Reiki Kanji